Awaken your crystalline codes and further your knowledge!

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Your Crystal Journey

Each month we will focus on 1 crystal. You will be submerged into in depth learning experience and a powerful crystal healing session. In this membership You will learn about the healing and geological properties of selected crystals. You will learn how to use them correctly and safely. You will understand how to unlock and receive their hidden messages. You will also learn how to access your intuition and other senses. You will develop a personal spiritual crystal practice unique to you. You will be a part of an energy healing community. 1 live zoom teaching video which will stream via our private facebook classroom. You will learn about the crystal's unique blue print, metaphysical healing and many uses. We will gather a second time in the month to receive it's medicine and messages via a crystal healing journey. There will be mini bonus videos teaching additional crystal healing information. All classes, Pdf's, journal questions, replays, and bonus material can be found in your private website. There are 3 payment options for you to choose from. I welcome you through a sacred journey into Momma Earths heart and into a loving glimpse of Terra Nova Crystals.

  1. Welcome

  2. March 2023 Clear Quartz Emersion

  3. April 2023 Celestite, Angelite

  4. Crystals Bonus Videos

  • Learn from a multi accredited Advanced Crystal Master.
  • Expand your crystal knowledge while strengthening your intuition and connection to self.
  • Join a fun and supportive heart centered community in which you will create lasting friendships.

Pricing options

All crystals are hand selected and cleared by Karina. They are each unique and of the highest quality. Your gorgeous crystal kit will automatically be delivered to you at the beginning of each trimonthy segment. If you choose not to receive a kit, you can still participate in the healing experiences!

Wisdom & Sacred Circle

1 Live Teaching Training, 1 Live interactive crystal healing journey, sacred circle time, bonus videos and community.

  • Do you LOVE crystals but don't know how to use them? Would you like to learn to harness their healing energies and upgrade your body, mind and spirit?

  • Do you feel disconnected from yourself or your purpose and are looking to create a sacred spiritual practice utilizing crystals and energy healing?

  • Would you like to be a part of a powerful crystal healing community that supports healing and will make a difference in raising cosmic vibration?


Recordings available within the same day.

  • February 2023

    February Crystal: The power of Super 7*************** Live teaching: Tuesday 2/7/23 @1:00PM EST Live Healing: Tuesday 2/21/23 @1:00PM EST Follow up for those who were not able to attend live.Thursday 2/23/23 @6:30 PM EST

  • March 2023

    March Crystal: Celestite & Bonus Angelite ********** Live teaching: Tuesday  3/7/23 @1:00PM EST Live Healing: Tuesday  3/21/23 @1:00PM EST Follow up for those who were not able to attend  Thursday 3/23/23 @6:30 PM EST

  • April 2023

    April Crystal: Diamantina Laser WANDS********** Live teaching: Tuesday  4/4/23  @1:00PM EST Live Healing: Tuesday 4/18/23 @1:00PM EST Follow up for those who were not able to attend live Thursday 4/20/23 @6:30 PM EST

Crystals are powerful healing tools.

Crystals are prized for their beauty but they are more then pretty things. They are powerful allies that hold special healing energies. They are teachers, master healers and keepers of time. They hold messages and medicine to help guide us through our journey. Learn to work with them now!

I'm so excited to welcome you!

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